Permanent Members
- Claudine Chaouiya, MCF HDR
- Brigitte Mossé, MCF HDR, Emeritus
- Élisabeth Remy, DR CNRS, team leader
- Laurent Tichit, MCF HDR
Postdoctoral Fellows
- Galadriel Brière, CAMUDI, ANR funding, jointly with Systems Biomedicine, MMG
- Safae El Mazouri, KineBioTics, ANR funding, jointly with LCB
- José Antonio Sánchez-Villanueva, APL-EpiNet ITMO Cancer INSERM funding, jointly with IBENS
PhD Students
- Nadine Ben Boina, with Brigitte & Élisabeth, co-supervision with Anaïs Baudot, Systems Biomedicine, MMG
- Maroua Chahdil, with Laurent, co-supervision with David Lagorce, Orphanet
- Théo Roncalli, with Élisabeth, co-supervision with Loïc Paulevé, LaBRI
- Clément Moroldo, with Élisabeth, along with Estelle Duprez, CRCM
Graduate Students
Associate Research Team
- Systems Biomedicine, MMG, leader Anaïs Baudot, DR CNRS, Marseille Medical Genetics
Former Members
- 2023 - Zachary Assoumani, with Claudine & Élisabeth, Master's thesis in Computer Science
- 2022 - Laure De Chancel, with Élisabeth, ÉNS pre-doctoral research internship
- 2019-2022 - Francesca Zaccagnino, Postdoctoral fellow, CenTuri funding, jointly with IBDM
- 2018-2022 - Saran Pankaew, PhD student with Élisabeth, co-supervision with CIML, funding with DOC2AMU
- 2021 - Matthieu Boulinguiez, Master's thesis in Bioinformatics, with Stephen & Élisabeth
- 2019-2021 - Stephen Chapman, Postdoctoral fellow, Amidex funding, jointly with Systems Biomedicine, MMG
- 2019-2021 - Maxime Lucas, Postdoctoral fellow, CenTuri funding, jointly with IBDM & CPT
- 2019-2021 - Ozan Özışık, Postdoctoral fellow, Amidex funding, jointly with Systems Biomedicine, MMG
- 2019-2021 - Damien Courtine, Postdoctoral fellow, CenTuri funding, jointly with CIML & MIO
- 2017-2021 - Léonard Hérault, PhD student with Élisabeth, co-supervision with CRCM
- 2020 - Ariel Chenet, Master's thesis in Discrete Maths, with Brigitte & Élisabeth
- 2018-2020 - Léo Pio-Lopez, Postdoctoral fellow, Amidex funding, jointly with Systems Biomedicine, MMG
- 2017-2020 - Elva María Novoa Del Toro, PhD student with Laurent, co-supervision with Systems Biomedicine, MMG, funding with Conacyt
- 2019 - Jean Fabre-Monplaisir, ÉNS pre-doctoral research internship in Discrete Maths, with Brigitte
- 2019 - Mama Saliou Balde, Masters's thesis in Statistics, with Élisabeth
- 2018-2019 - Pooya Zakeri, Postdoctoral fellow, Systems Biomedicine, MMG, Amidex funding
- 2015-2019 - Firas Hammami, PhD student with Élisabeth, co-supervision with LCB
- 2015-2019 - Alberto Valdeolivas Urbelz, PhD student with Anaïs. MABioS and Systems Biomedicine, MMG, Cifre funding with ProGeLife
- Until 2018 - Alain Guénoche, DR CNRS
- 2012-2016 - Nishant Thakur, PhD student with Laurent, co-supervision with CIML
Invited Collaborators
- June-July 2022 - Matthieu Vignes, Massey University, New-Zealand
- March-July 2019 - Pedro T. Monteiro, University of Lisboa, Portugal
- June-July 2017 - Matthieu Vignes, Massey University, New-Zealand
MABioS & Systems Biomedicine, MMG, 2022
MABioS & Systems Biomedicine, MMG, 2021
MABioS & Systems Biomedicine, MMG, 2020
MABioS & Systems Biomedicine, MMG, 2019